We Are All In This Together

Are you finding the podcast helpful? Do you want others to benefit from it as well? There are ways you can help others find the podcast and keep it free of advertisers.

Thank You!

Becoming self-aware while working towards authenticity has been the most challenging part of my journey throughout this life. There were points where I did not think I would make it through to the other side. Recovery can not happen alone. You have been an incredible source of support. Your comments, emails, and DM helped me through difficult days. Knowing others who lived through similar experiences and had similar thoughts and feelings was so healing for me. Without all of you, this would not have been possible.

No Cost Support

I know it is difficult for some to share my work publicly. Most of my posts get more saves than likes or shares. Everything today is about the algorithms. Algorithms are like shaming parents: do it our way, or we will punish you. The tech giants have muted most people in the mental health space. Leaving a review or rating for the podcast on Apple or Spotify helps the algorithms show the podcast to more people.

100% Ad-Free Listening

Why the subscription model? I hate advertising! I could have made much more if I had given into advertising, but I have no interest in exploiting you for profit. I’m leaving it up to you. If you find value in the Podcast, you can subscribe to all episodes to support my work. If not, enjoy the free episodes. The cost of the subscription will be $4.99 a month. Subscriptions are available either through Spotify or Apple Podcasts.


Producing the Podcast takes many hours of boring, tedious work, not to mention the emotional vein I open up for each episode and the shame and exposure I put myself through. If you find value in the podcast and want to show your support, you can donate via Venmo or Credit Card. Your Support is greatly appreciated! I wish you well on your journey to authenticity.