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How You Can Help

Ways To Show Your Support

Are you finding the podcast helpful? Do you want others to benefit from it as well? There are ways you can help others find the podcast and keep it free of advertisers and sponsors.

No Cost Support

The goal is to help as many people heal as possible. The easiest way to do this is to get my content to reach as many people who need it as possible. Unfortunately, Social Media is more about the algorithms than the content. You can have great content, but without social media interaction, the content gets muted and shown to fewer people. Here are a few ways you can help.

Like, Comment, Repost, Share
By liking, commenting, reposting, and sharing my content, you keep it in your feed and let the tech giants know it is important to show it to others who may need it.

Rate / Review
Leaving a five-star rating and review for the podcast on Apple or Spotify helps the algorithms show it to more people.

Subscribe / Follow
Subscribe to the podcast on Apple or Spotify, or my social media channels, Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, TikTok

Financial Support

This has never been about money; it has, and always will be, about healing. Producing the Podcast takes many hours of boring, tedious work, not to mention the emotional vein I open up for each episode and the shame and exposure I put myself through.

If you find value in the podcast and want to show your support, you can donate via Venmo, Paypal, or Credit Card (Apple/GPay). Your Support is greatly appreciated! I wish you well on your journey to authenticity.

Podcast Subscription
If you enjoy the Podcast and want access to all episodes, you can subscribe for unlimited listening. Otherwise, you can continue to enjoy the free episodes. Either way, all episodes are advertiser-free. The subscription fee is $4.99 per month. Subscriptions are available through Spotify or Apple Podcasts (More Info)