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That Night

By October 24, 2017April 8th, 2022No Comments

That Night


Feels like a lifetime since that magical night
The night our world could not be more right
A night where we held each other tight
Without worry, without fright

Two souls, no bounds.
Soaring high above the earth
Feet never leaving the ground

Transcending time and space
Fully surrounded, yet totally alone
Alone in a world filled with life
Without beginning, without end, only right

A complete mystery I have been shown
A freedom I have never know
A complete surprise like I have always known
Knowing that it could not have been possible at any other time
I fear the sun is about to rise and shine

What will the daylight bring
Will the praises of the night it sing
Will the day continue with the effortless and ease
or will all feel like a dream