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Not By Choice

By August 3, 2018April 8th, 2022No Comments

Not By Choice


Born into life
Unknown ways
Story written
On a stage

Adapt to be mirrored
Falsehood of seeds
Missing pieces
Fit to the puzzle

Here for you not for me
Disconnected, where’s the fit
Pretend for who comes next
Where do I sit

Give for you
Absent of me
Live free my child
Raised you as me
Be free my child
It ends with me

Given up to show what’s real
Waiting for the realization to come their way
House of judgements
House without mirrors
House of fears

Time is ending near
Fading to see whats left

Give for you
Absent of me
Live free my child
Raised you as me
Be free my child
It ends with me