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Episode 0083 – Anger Is About A Want


Understanding and Addressing Anger, Hate, and Self-Hate

Anger and hate often stem from unmet needs. When we feel angry, it’s typically because we want something that we’re not getting. Similarly, when we feel hate, it’s due to deep needs that are not being met, and we’re struggling to deal with the resulting emotions.

The Root of Self-Hate

Feelings of Helplessness: Self-hate is a common issue many people face, and it can be very challenging to overcome. Often, we hate ourselves because we feel helpless and stuck, unable to change our situation. This is particularly difficult if we were raised in an environment where independence and self-care were not encouraged.

Identifying Unmet Needs: To address self-hate, it’s crucial to identify our unmet needs and start taking steps to fulfill them. This can be difficult, especially if we’ve never learned how to do this before. However, understanding and acknowledging these needs is the first step towards healing.

Shifting Perspectives

From Self-Hate to Anger: Shifting our focus from self-hate to feeling angry at those who have hurt us can be a helpful step in the healing process. It allows us to recognize the external sources of our pain rather than internalizing it. However, it’s important not to get stuck in feelings of anger and hate towards others.

Balancing Emotions: While it’s essential to process and express anger, we must also work towards understanding ourselves and taking responsibility for our well-being. This involves moving past anger and hate and focusing on personal growth and healing.

Taking Responsibility for Well-Being

Making Difficult Decisions: The journey towards self-fulfillment and well-being can involve making difficult decisions, such as cutting toxic people out of our lives or disappointing others by prioritizing our needs. It’s important to remember that we are responsible for our happiness and well-being.

Self-Reliance: We must learn how to meet our own needs and stop depending on others for validation and support. This process can be lonely at times, but staying committed to our growth and healing is crucial.

Steps to Overcome Self-Hate

  1. Acknowledge and Identify Needs:
    • Recognize the unmet needs that are causing feelings of anger, hate, or self-hate.
    • Understand that these feelings are valid and important signals.
  2. Shift Focus:
    • Move from self-hate to anger towards those who have hurt you, if it helps you understand the source of your pain.
    • Use this anger as a stepping stone, not a destination.
  3. Take Responsibility:
    • Accept that you are responsible for your own well-being and happiness.
    • Make decisions that prioritize your needs, even if they are difficult.
  4. Seek Independence:
    • Learn to meet your own needs and build self-reliance.
    • Develop skills and strategies to care for yourself emotionally and physically.
  5. Commit to Growth:
    • Stay committed to your personal growth and healing, even when the process is challenging or lonely.
    • Remember that this journey is about creating a fulfilling and authentic life for yourself.

By understanding the roots of anger and hate and taking proactive steps to address unmet needs, we can move towards a healthier, more fulfilling life. Overcoming self-hate requires patience, self-compassion, and a commitment to personal growth.

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