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Episode 0085 – Why We Choose Toxic Relationships


The Dynamics of Toxic Relationships

In the most recent episode of It’s Not You, It’s Your Trauma, Joe Ryan delves into toxic relationships, characterized by emotional unavailability, abuse, and neglect. These often mirror the dynamics experienced in our early years.

Key Insights from This Episode:

Origins of Toxic Relationships: Joe examines why individuals enter and remain in toxic relationships. He explains that childhood experiences with emotionally unavailable or narcissistic parents lay the groundwork for our adult relationships. As children, we learn to neglect ourselves and prioritize the emotional needs of our caretakers in hopes of earning their love and approval. This pattern often continues into adulthood, where we attempt to “fix” our partners as an unconscious effort to heal our childhood wounds.

Comfort in Familiar Pain: Joe highlights the tendency to find comfort in familiar pain. Toxic relationships, despite their damaging nature, feel normal because they replicate the dynamics we grew up with. Being with someone who genuinely cares for and nurtures us may be intimidating because it challenges our deeply ingrained beliefs about our worth and value.

Building Self-Esteem: The key to breaking free from these patterns lies in building self-esteem and learning to value ourselves independently of others. Joe emphasizes the importance of recognizing our worth and establishing boundaries.

Emotional Independence: Joe discusses the significance of emotional independence. He urges his audience to imagine leaving a toxic relationship and acknowledge the fear and panic that arise. These emotions are rooted in childhood survival instincts. As children, maintaining an emotional connection with our caregivers was vital for survival, regardless of the harm it caused. In adulthood, leaving a toxic partner can feel like a life-or-death situation because it triggers these same survival instincts.

Making Better Choices: Joe encourages making better choices in the present to genuinely heal and move forward. This involves recognizing our worth, establishing boundaries, and seeking healthy, supportive relationships. He reminds us that although the healing journey is challenging, it is ultimately rewarding.

Understanding and healing our past can create a future filled with healthier, more fulfilling relationships. Tune in to this episode for a deeper exploration of toxic relationships and practical advice on breaking free from their damaging patterns.

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Coaching With Joe Ryan

Empowering Individuals To Break Free From Past Traumas, Embrace Confidence, And Navigate Life With Unwavering Resilience And Inner Strength.

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