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Episode 0074 – Original Pain Work Revisited (Subscription)

Confronting Your Original Pain (Shadow Work): Original pain work is the most profound and challenging self-work you will ever undertake.

In this episode of It’s Not You; It’s Your Trauma, Joe Ryan delves into the abuse he experienced as a child and how he spent years disassociating from that pain through denial and repression. He shares how he packed away these traumatic experiences into a dark corner of his mind, intending to deal with them later. Decades later, Joe recounts how he has had to work his way back to those origins of pain, abuse, and fear to understand how he arrived at his current state. By confronting and correcting these deep-seated issues, Joe has been able to move forward.

Key Insights from This Episode:

  • Pinpointing the Origins: Identify where your feelings and behaviors stem from and learn how to reconnect with them.
  • Facing Your Pain: Understand that you can’t always stay one step ahead of your pain. It will catch up to you if you don’t learn to return to its origins and relive it to create a better outcome.
  • Feeling Your Way Through: Discover how to “feel” your way through your experiences to free yourself from pain.
  • Checking Out: Recognize the signs of checking out physically and emotionally.
  • Going Toe to Toe with Your Fears: Learn how to confront your fears directly and gain strength from facing them.

What You Will Learn:

  • Courage to Confront Pain: It can be frightening to work inside yourself, but it is your path to freedom and peace. Become stronger than your fears and let joy take over by moving fear out of the way.
  • Living Your Truth: Do not live in denial any more. Embrace your truth and find someone who can help you navigate your pain and fears.
  • The Urgency of Healing: Time is ticking away; it’s time to lean into your fears. Joy is waiting to take over your life by confronting and healing your original pain once you make room for it.

Tune in to this transformative episode to understand the profound impact of original pain work and how confronting your deepest fears can lead to a life filled with joy and peace.

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Coaching With Joe Ryan

Empowering Individuals To Break Free From Past Traumas, Embrace Confidence, And Navigate Life With Unwavering Resilience And Inner Strength.

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