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The Somber Attire Of My Existence
Has Fallen Short Of My Dreams

To Forsake All That Was Real,
To Shed The Scales Of My Tired Skin,
To Unleash The Heavens Unto This Earth
As I Fall Short Of The Expectations.

I’ve Grown New Life,
No Longer Wiry Or Worn.
To Rise Up To The Existence
Has Shown Light Upon My Darkness.

To Be Free To Sail Upon The Wind
To Live In The Shadows Of My Preconceived Notions;

To Have Died Before I Was Born
To Set Life In Motion Is To Let Go Of Unwanted Needs,

Desires Have Changed Me;

To Exceed My Dreams
Has Become Untrue;

The Showing Of My Life’s Flower
Has Blossomed Like The Thaw Of
The Snow That Brings The Buds
Of New Life To The Dismal
Season That Has Past

New Life Will Be Born.
My Life Will No Longer
Breed The Paths Of
Undriven Snow Of
The Barren Wasteland
That Was Me


From My Book 'Coming Full Circle'.