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Episode 0073 – Recovery Requires Action


“Making the Right Choice” directly addresses issues you currently experience in your life with a simple, powerful message: “You Can’t Do This Work Alone.”

In this episode of It’s Not You; It’s Your Trauma, Joe Ryan shares the pivotal changes he made in his life by finding the right person to guide him through the initial stages of his journey toward healing. He emphasizes that it all begins with “being seen” and allowing someone you trust to help you transition from an emotional child to a healthy, emotionally balanced adult. Acknowledging that you can’t do all of this alone is the first step towards confronting your issues head-on.

Key Insights from This Episode:

  • Admitting You Need Help: Understanding that admitting you need help from others and finding the right “caregiver” is crucial. This step is key to starting your journey towards healing.
  • Getting Out of Your Own Way: Learn the importance of getting out of your own way to move in the right direction and make meaningful changes.
  • Being “Seen” and Positive Mirroring: Focus on being “seen” and find positive mirroring—the kind you might not have received as a child. This is essential for emotional growth.
  • Experiencing Freedom: Discover the freedom that comes from becoming “unstuck” and moving past old patterns.
  • Peace of Mind: You can gain peace of mind by knowing that you are not alone in your struggles. Realize that your issues and feelings are not unique to you.
  • Continued Work: Acknowledge that fear, trauma, anxiety, panic, and shame don’t go away by themselves. Even with help, continuous work is necessary to move past these feelings.

What You Will Learn:

  • The Strength in Seeking Help: Recognize that you are strong for having carried your pain for so long. This acknowledgment will help you become brave and courageous enough to accept help from someone qualified.
  • Humility and Openness: Understand there is no shame in asking for help. Humble yourself and open up to someone who genuinely cares about your well-being.
  • Trusting Again: Despite past betrayals, you must eventually trust someone. Making the choice to seek help is essential for your progress.

Tune in to this episode to understand the importance of seeking help and making the right choice for your well-being. Remember, the healing journey begins with acknowledging that you can’t do it alone and finding the right support to guide you through.


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Coaching With Joe Ryan

Empowering Individuals To Break Free From Past Traumas, Embrace Confidence, And Navigate Life With Unwavering Resilience And Inner Strength.

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