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Coaching | Podcast | Newsletter| Trauma Quotes

Episode 0070 –

How do we sit with our pain? How do we learn to grieve loss, innocence, self-respect, and pride while empowering ourselves to live our daily lives?

In this episode of It’s Not You; It’s Your Trauma, Joe Ryan discusses how to approach daily pain with the same gravity as grieving a significant loss, such as the death of a loved one. His message emphasizes the importance of taking time for yourself to focus on and process your pain—both mental and physical. Joe shares his methods for managing overwhelming feelings, enabling him to feel free and continue with his daily life.

Key Insights from This Episode:

  • Accepting Temporary Wallowing: It’s okay to temporarily wallow in your pain. Acknowledge it but don’t let it consume you.
  • Balancing Emotional Processing: Learn to balance your emotional processing. Don’t let feelings build up over time only to tackle them all at once. Address them as they come.
  • Scheduling Self-Reflection: Make time for self-reflection just as you would for social activities. Understand where your feelings reside and don’t suppress them. Sitting with them helps build strength over time.
  • Identifying Physical Pain: Recognize where physical pain resides in your body and develop strategies to release it when it appears.
  • Creating Space for Healing: Allow yourself the space to deal with your thoughts and discomfort. Avoid distractions, focus on the source of discomfort, and learn to release it.
  • Gradual Emotional Training: Approach emotional healing like returning to the gym after a long break. Start small and gradually build your capacity to handle more significant issues.
  • Avoiding Shame: Don’t feel ashamed for needing time alone to process your feelings. It’s a crucial part of healing.
  • Rejecting Addictions as Solutions: Understand that addictions won’t fix your problems or remove your pain. Face your feelings directly.

What You Will Learn:

  • Practical Pain Management: This episode provides practical advice on managing pain and encourages listeners to realize that the only limitation in life is themselves.
  • Empowerment Through Acceptance: Gain insight into how accepting and processing uncomfortable feelings can empower you to live a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Tune in to this episode to learn effective strategies for sitting with uncomfortable feelings, processing pain, and empowering yourself to move forward.

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Coaching With Joe Ryan

Empowering Individuals To Break Free From Past Traumas, Embrace Confidence, And Navigate Life With Unwavering Resilience And Inner Strength.

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