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Uncover the Truth Behind Your Emotional Paralysis

To feel the love that should have been freely given, you had to please everyone around you at the expense of your authentic self. Now, an unconscious part of you refuses to continue this exhausting cycle. You feel unmotivated, sad, empty, and lonely. You’re stuck in a life you no longer want to live—a life never a part of your conscious choice.

You don’t recognize yourself and feel as though you are betraying yourself and the people around you. Helplessness and powerlessness to change overwhelm you. You can’t go back to the person you were pretending to be and move forward to the life you want. You are emotionally paralyzed and can no longer be there for others in the same way.

The supply of love and attention from those around you is slowly drying up. Their validation was what kept you motivated; it fueled you. Without it, you’re left to fill yourself up independently, a skill you were never taught. As a result, childhood feelings of worthlessness resurface, and depression sets in.

Unconsciously, you realize that nothing and no one outside of yourself can take away your feelings of worthlessness. You know you must overcome this alone, but you don’t know how. It’s as if you are going through addiction withdrawals. You were addicted to your role as a people-pleaser, using it to numb the pain.

Your role has been your drug of choice, keeping others happy with you. Without it, you feel unlovable. These feelings of worthlessness have always been there, masked by your addiction to pleasing others. Now, they are overtaking you, and you don’t know how to deal with them.

You need to understand these feelings—the emotions you can no longer avoid—to become unstuck and move towards a life of authentic self-love and fulfillment.